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History of Mechanism and Machine Science

Series Ed.: Ceccarelli, Marco Giovanni

ISSN: 1875-3442


Info & selling conditins by the Springer Editor

This bookseries aims to establish a well defined forum for Monographs and Proceedings on the History of Mechanism and Machine Science (MMS). The series publishes works that give an overview of the historical developments, from the earliest times up to and including the recent past, of MMS in all its technical aspects.

This technical approach is an essential characteristic of the series. By discussing technical details and formulations and even reformulating those in terms of modern formalisms the possibility is created not only to track the historical technical developments but also to use past experiences in technical teaching and research today. In order to do so, the emphasis must be on technical aspects rather than a purely historical focus, although the latter has its place too.

Furthermore, the series will consider the republication of out-of-print older works with English translation and comments.

The book series is intended to collect technical views on historical developments of the broad field of MMS in a unique frame that can be seen in its totality as an Encyclopaedia of the History of MMS but with the additional purpose of archiving and teaching the History of MMS. Therefore the book series is intended not only for researchers of the History of Engineering but also for professionals and students who are interested in obtaining a clear perspective of the past for their future technical works. The books will be written in general by engineers but not only for engineers.

Series Editor, Professor M. Ceccarelli, LARM: Laboratory of Robotics and  Mechatronics, DiMSAT - University of Cassino, email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Springer Ceccarelli p1  Springer Ceccarelli p2  Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science
Ceccarelli, M. (Ed.), 2 Vols., 2007

Edtitor in Chief: Nathalie Jacobs, Publishing Editor, Springer (Dordrecht)

Springer Guide

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History of Mechanism and Machine Science

Series Ed.: Ceccarelli, Marco Giovanni

ISSN: 1875-3442


Info & selling conditins by the Springer Editor

This bookseries aims to establish a well defined forum for Monographs and Proceedings on the History of Mechanism and Machine Science (MMS). The series publishes works that give an overview of the historical developments, from the earliest times up to and including the recent past, of MMS in all its technical aspects.

This technical approach is an essential characteristic of the series. By discussing technical details and formulations and even reformulating those in terms of modern formalisms the possibility is created not only to track the historical technical developments but also to use past experiences in technical teaching and research today. In order to do so, the emphasis must be on technical aspects rather than a purely historical focus, although the latter has its place too.

Furthermore, the series will consider the republication of out-of-print older works with English translation and comments.

The book series is intended to collect technical views on historical developments of the broad field of MMS in a unique frame that can be seen in its totality as an Encyclopaedia of the History of MMS but with the additional purpose of archiving and teaching the History of MMS. Therefore the book series is intended not only for researchers of the History of Engineering but also for professionals and students who are interested in obtaining a clear perspective of the past for their future technical works. The books will be written in general by engineers but not only for engineers.

Series Editor, Professor M. Ceccarelli, LARM: Laboratory of Robotics and  Mechatronics, DiMSAT - University of Cassino, email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Edtitor in Chief: Nathalie Jacobs, Publishing Editor, Springer (Dordrecht), e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


Paipetis, S. A.; Ceccarelli, Marco (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, Approx. 695 p., Hardcover

Proceedings of an International Conference held at Syracuse, Italy, June 8-10, 2010

ISBN: 978-90-481-9090-4, Mai 2010

 Springer Ceccarelli p1  Springer Ceccarelli p2  Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science
Ceccarelli, M. (Ed.), 2 Vols., 2007
Springer Govolin Tabarin   Russian Models from the Mechanisms Collection of Bauman University
Golovin, A., Tarabarin, V., Vol. 5, 2008

Springer Moon The Machines of Leonardo Da Vinci and Franz Reuleau
Moon, F.C., Vol. 2, 2007

Springer Paipetis  Science and Technology in Homeric Epics
Paipetis, S.A. (Ed.), Vol. 6, 2009
Bautista Paz, E., Ceccarelli, M., Echávarri Otero, J., Muñoz Sanz, J.L., 2010
 Rossi C., Russo F., Russo  F., Precursors of the Present, Series: History of Mechanism and Machine Science, Vol. 8, 2009

International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms, Proceedings of HMM 2008 Series, Vol. 4
Yan, H.-S., M. Ceccarelli, M., (eds.), 2009