to History of Science Web Site

This website includes abstracts and researches on the History and foundations of Science, especially on the History of Physics and Mathematics. Please, go around this website, and read more about the papers and research activities. You can also find out many links to information on several areas of studies: Physics, Mathematics, Logics, Philosophy, Epistemology, Societies, Associations, Libraries, Congresses, Institutions et al...

"Thought does not respect national frontiers. Yet scientific ideas are far from  stateless citizens".

(A. Thackray, Atoms and Powers, Harvard University Press, 1970, p. 4).

Casella di testo: In primo piano.....



Giornata di Studio sulla Relazione: Scienze-Religioni. Il ruolo delle scienze naturali, ipotesi di studio e prospettive.

Mercoledì 28 Febbario 2007         

h. 9.00-18.30, Latina (Roma)



AIF sez. di Latina & ITIS-Liceo Scientifico Tecnologico “G. MARCONI”,

Latina -  info:







Last update,  Friday February 16, 2007 08.18.42  





Raffaele Pisano Ph.D Thesis University of Rome "La Sapienza"  

The role played by Mechanical Science in the architects and engineers design in the Renaissance, pre-print 
Main Advisors:   Prof. Danilo Capecchi, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

Director of Ph.D University Program: Prof. Ferdinando Terranova, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

Co-tutor and collaboration: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Renn, Director  of  "Max Planck Institute for the History of Science", Berlin



A.I.F. sezione di Latina - Gruppo di studio in storia e fondamenti della fisica e della matematica, epistemologia della fisica, elementi di didattica della fisica e della matematica integrata  - Last update,  Friday February 16, 2007 08.18.42   



A.I.F. - Associazione per l'Insegnamento della Fisica     

A.I.F.- Association for Physics Teaching english                

A.I.F.- Associaçaõ para o Ensino da Física portugues

A.I.F.- Association pour l'Enseignement de la Physique français

A.I.F.- Vereinigung für Lehre der Physik deutch



Incomplete list of events...


2007 Events



Associazione I Ponti dell’Arte  - 4a Edizione del Concorso Nazionale di Narrativa e Poesia Premio Rolando Editore.

per info:



ESHS - European Society for the History of Science - Re-launch and Official Journal of the European Society    


for  the   History of  Science     ESHS Annual Conference 2008: further announcements including full call for papers will be available soon.



BSHS Annual Conference 2007: the BSHS is pleased to announce that its next annual meeting will be held in

Manchester on 28 June - 1 July 2007 Other BSHS Meetings   



Science and Religion: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, University of Lancaster, UK, 23-26 July




 Perspectives on Mathematical Practices, International Conference - Monday 26-28 March 2007 Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLWF) at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium  2007   



 15th UK and European Meeting on the Foundations of Physics, University of Leeds, Leeds, U.K.
29-31, March, 2007,


5th European Summer University  On The History And Epistemology In Mathematics Education, 19-24 July 2007 
Czech Republic, Univ. Karlova v Praze, Pedagogická fak., Kated. matematiky a didaktiky matematiky 




2008 Events

Further information to follow.



2009 Events

XXIII International Congress of History of Science, 26 - 31 July 2009 - Budapest, Hungary   




2006 Events


SISM - Società Italiana di Storia delle Matematiche

VI Congresso Nazionale della Società di Storia delle Matematiche, Neaples, 16-17-18 Nov. 2006    



CE&HPC - The First Annual Conference of the Bulgarian Society for the Chemistry Education and History and Philosophy of Chemistry (CE&HPC), combined with a National Qualification Meeting of the Bulgarian teachers in Chemistry. Contact and info: Professor  B.V. Toshev, President CE&HCP Website Conference, Varna, 'Frederick Jolio-Curie" Scientists' House, Seaside Resort 'St. Konstantin and Elena', 26-28 Oct. 2006



AIF - Associazione per l'Insegnamento della Fisica - Association for Physics Teaching

XLV Congresso Nazionale AIF, "Physics Teaching and Images of the World"

Latina (Rome), 18-21 Oct. 2006    



22nd BALTIC CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE, 5th-6th October 2006Vilnius, Lithuania

Info: Prof. Juozas Banionis  - XXII Baltijos šalių mokslo istorijos konferencija bandiera lituana



MATHESIS - Società Italiana di Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche

Congresso Nazionale Mathesis, University of Trento, 2-3-4 Nov. 2006   




ESHS, 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, 6-9  Sept., 2006,

Kraków, Poland  



Workshop: Innovazione nella didattica della fisica di base e la Fisica di Karlsruhe: risultati e prospettive,  

Workshop website, Contact: Prof. Franco di Liberto, University of Naples "Federico II",

Dipartimento Scienze Fisiche, Naples, 28-30 Sept. 2006   



International Symposium, Franco-British interactions in science since the seventeenth century, Oxford, 03/2006



Research and Institutions - more about



DHST/IUHPS - Division of History of Science and Technology of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science




RESEARCH IN PHYSICS EDUCATION & Socratic Dialog-Inducing (SDI) Labs -  Dep. of Physics, Indiana University, by Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics




MPIWG  - Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin  Bandiera tedesca



JORDANUS - An International Catalogue of Mediaeval Scientific Manuscripts Bandiera tedesca




SISFA - Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell'Astronomia  

XXVI Congresso Nazionale della Società di Storia della Fisica e dell'Astronomia, Rome,  15-17 June 2006   



SISS - Società Italiana di Storia della Scienza   




HSS - History of Science Society & Isis   




American Institute of Physics - 75 years of service   The American Institute of Physics (AIP) is a 501(c)(3) membership corporation chartered in New York State in 1931 for the purpose of promoting the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of physics and its application to human welfare.  




KHIMIYA/CHEMISTRY -  Bulgarian Journal of Chemical Education by The Bulgarian Society for the Chemistry Education and History and Philosophy of Chemistry (CE&HPC)  - Prof. Dr. B. V. Toshev  President and Editor-in-Chief    




SIF - Società Italiana di Fisica   




CHF - Chemical Heritage Foundation - President A. Thackray - rivista di storia, didattica e attualità sulla matematica e scienze affini. Direttore responsabile Prof. Antonio Bernardo. Da Gennaio 2007 anche una rivista scientifica on line. 


FISICA/MENTE.NET - Rivista di fisica, didattica della fisica, storia della fisica, fisica e filosofia, problemi della scuola, ambiente, fede e ragione, varia umanità a cura di Roberto Renzetti 


Sadi Nicolas Léonard Carnot

17 years old Painted by Boilly, 1813. 

1 June 1796 in Paris, France - 24 Aug 1832 in Paris, France.
S. Carnot is known for his studies on heat machines, but he was, above all, a theoretical physicist.

Sadi Carnot family web site


Bibliography: Sadi Carnot 1824. Réflexions sur la Puissance Motrice du Feu, édition critique par Robert Fox,

Vrin J. (ed.), Paris, (1978)