International Scientific - Practical Conference INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY2-5 December 2007 Faculty of Education, Šiauliai University - P.Visinskio Street 25, Siauliai, Lithuania
Info: Prof.dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas Siauliai University, Faculty of Education, Natural Science Education Research CentreInfo:
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Aims of the Conference To disseminate ideas of natural science education, shares experience, to search opportunities how to improve process of natural science education applying modern information-communication technologies. Main topics Change of practice of natural science education in a context of modern information-communication technologies (ICT); Individualisation of natural science education by appying ICT; Parity between instructive and a constructive approach to natural science education by applying ICT; Philosophical, psychological, economic, social, political, didactic aspects of using ICT in natural science education process; Use modern ICT in natural science education process: past, present and future; Information and computer literacy of students and teachers as one of aspects of using modern ICT in natural science education process; Competence of teachers in sphere of using ICT in natural science education process, its improvement; Using modern ICT in professional training and improvement of professional skills of natural science teachers. Participants: Teachers and scientists, managers of education, members of NGO
Info: Prof.dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas Siauliai University, Faculty of Education, Natural Science Education Research Centre
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