XXVI Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Fisica e dell'Astronomia. SISFA
Roma, 15-17 Giugno 2006

Historans, Sciencists, Scholars and Doctoral students, interested in the theme of the Congress, are invited to take part in the Rome event. The Congress is not restricted to SISFA members. Giving a lecture or a contributed paper is not a necessary condition to be a participant
Thursday of 15 June 2006 - The Congress begins at the Dept. of Physics "E. Fermi", University of Rome "La Sapienza" on the morning of Thursday of 15 June 2006, at 9.30 with the opening Congress and plenary lectures. - The Congress continues at the Faculty of Architecture, "Valle Giulia", University of Rome "La Sapienza" on the afternoon of Thursday of 15 June 2006 at 14.15 with Welcome Congress and Welcome Faculty of Architecture; at 15.00 with other lectures and contributes. - The office registration starts on Thursday of 15 June 2006, at 14.15. Friday of 16 June 2006 at Faculty of Architecture "Valle Giulia" - On 16 and 17 June 2006, the congress will be developed according to specific themes as suggested by participants on Friday morning of 16 June 2006, at 9.30. - On Friday afternoon of 16 June 2006 at 18.30, the General Assembly of the Italian Society of the History of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA) will hold its meeting, as organised in the past. - On Friday of 16 June 2006 at 20.30, the Congress dinner will take place. - The morning of Friday of 16 June from 9.30 to 18.30 will be devoted, among others, to a special symposium and show on the past, present, and future perspectives of the history of science in higher education especially concerning didactics of physics and mathematics. - It is organized (by “Valle Giulia” admin.) a transfer by a pvt bus from the Dept. of Physics (P.Le Aldo Moro at 13.30) to the Faculty of Architecture. Saturday of 17 June 2006 at Faculty of Architecture "Valle Giulia", at 9.00 - The Congress ends up after three full days, on Saturday of 17 June 2006 around 13.00.
Aims of the Congress:
The Congress is planned as an important event within a series of initiatives concerning the end of WYP 2005. The past SISFA Congress held in Milan from 10 to 12 November 2005 to celebrate 25 years of the Society. The aim of the Rome Congress 2006 is to create an opportunity for a creative dialogue and an exchange of experiences between representatives of different approaches of the history of scientific cultures and matters, i. e., Mathematics, Epistemology and Chemistry, including the role of the historians of the SISFA in the European Union Institutions. Particularly, we would like to devote a special commemoration to the Italian Scientist, Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856), on the 150° from his death, by means of a plenary relation by a dedicate speaker as well as historian of Chemistry. (Though it will not be the main theme or specific target of the Congress). The History of Physics and Astronomy is understood here in three main senses: foundations, cultural and historiography approach; i. e. as objectivity, knowledge and imagine of science, devoted either to the study of classical Physics (as well as mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism), or modern Physics (as well as quantum mechanics and relativity). The Congress also aims at encouraging the History of foundations of Physics and Astronomy with their specific objectives, methodology, concepts, theory, interpretations as well as at showing the development and conflicts of the sciences, past and present.Hence, from a methodological point of view - the necessity (for young historians, especially) to be free of the illusion that the historian is able to research history by means of disciplinary instruments only. A historical method is necessary starting from classic history, as well as using primary sources. The Congress also aims at creating a personal perspective and interpretation to reconstruct hard historical and foundations scientific facts, free of any simple modern chronology of events (i.e about a particular scientist, just because he lived in a favourite country...); but free of extreme philosophical generalizations, too.
Call for Papers:
Abstracts of proposal of contributed papers should be prepared as Microsoft Word 97x documents in a one-page and addressed to
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The languages of the conference are Italian and English. No simultaneous translation will be available. The text of proposals for contributed papers should be single-spaced, in 11 pt Times New Roman, excepted for the title (capital, bold in Times New Roman, 12pt), very brief bibliography (in Times New Roman, 10pt). The order of the whole text is as follows: (1) the title (capital, bold in 12pt), (2) name(-s) of author(-s), (3) e-mail address(-es) of author(-s) (4) institution(-s) (Italian style, in 11 pt), (4) the main text (in 11 pt); the positions mentioned as well as the title of the proposal should be centred, and the main text should be justified (3 cm everywhere). The whole text must not exceed a single page of 2000 signs (the number of signs - including spaces - in a document can be set very simply by selecting from the panel "Tools" + "Statistics of words"). An example is attached.After the approval of all abstracts (but well before the beginning of the Congress on June 2006) the online volume of abstracts will appear. Its aim is to facilitate contacts between participants in the Congress and to propagate their works better. Caution Please, at the beginning of the Congress every participant is pleased to download his contribute presentation (i. e. in powerpoint format) to the congress office. It will be used a notebook Congress office: Windows XP; 4 USB 2.0; Full professional Office 2003; Winzip, Acrobat reader 7.0, et al.. Every participant is pleased to note everything (instruments, software, hardware et al...) is necessary for his presentation.
Notebook et al.:
Please, it is not possible to use a private notebook. We have: - Notebook, Windows XP; 4 USB 2.0; Office Suite 2003 professional; Winzip, Acrobat reader 7.0; et al.; N. 1 Projector for computer; N. 1 Overhead projector Organizers and related Institutions: Dept. of Physics "E. Fermi", University of Rome "La Sapienza" Faculty of Architecture, "Valle Giulia", University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Programme Committee:
- Giovanni Battimelli, (University of Rome, "La Sapienza")
- Danilo Capecchi, (University of Rome, "La Sapienza")
- Raffaele Pisano, (University of Rome, "La Sapienza")
- Fabio Bevilacqua, (University of Pavia)
- Pasquale Tucci, (University of Milano)
- Enrico Giannetto, (University of Bergamo)
- Augusto Garuccio, (University of Bari)
Local Committee: - Giovanni Battimelli, (University of Rome, "La Sapienza")
- Danilo Capecchi,(University of Rome, "La Sapienza")
- Raffaele Pisano, (University of Rome,"La Sapienza")
Alberto De Gregorio (University of Rome, "La Sapienza")
Congress Office and Contacts:
All e-mail correspondence and information on all programme matters (excluded travel and hotel information, please, below the navigation panel), should be addressed to: Danilo Capecchi Department of Ingegneria strutturale e geotecnica Faculty of Architecture Valle Giulia, University of Rome "La Sapienza" Via A. Gramsci, 53 00197 Roma e-mail:
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Tel. + 39 06 49919179 Fax. + 39 06 49919192
Raffaele Pisano Department of ITACA Faculty of Architecture, Valle Giulia, University of Rome "La Sapienza" e-mail:
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Tel. + 39 339 3164592 Antonino Drago,(University of Napoli, "Federico II" - Italy) Massimo Capaccioli,(University of Napoli, "Federico II" - Italy)Danilo Capecchi,(University of Rome, "La Sapienza" - Italy) Luigi Cerruti,(University of Torino - Italy) Romano Gatto,(University of Basilicata - Italy) Simone Turchetti,(University of Manchester - U.K.) Download PDF Programme (689 KB) 
Registration: 20th January 2007 at 12.00 Abstracts of contributed papers via mail only (to:
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) 31st January 2007 at 12.00 Call for contributed papers: 30th April 2007 at 12.00
Call for Papers: Abstracts of proposal of contributed papers should be prepared as Microsoft Word 97x documents in (maximum) two-pages and addressed to
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. The languages of the conference are Italian and English. No simultaneous translation will be available.
Notebook et al.:
We have: - Notebook, Windows XP; 4 USB 2.0; Office Suite 2003 professional; Winzip, Acrobat reader 7.0; et al.; - N. 1 Projector for computer - N. 1 Overhead projector Abstract&Program - Congress Program et al...Abstract Volume&Program (.pdf format 900 KB) 
Inside: SISFA 2006 General Program, Plenary and Invited program, DEFINITIVE Contributes programDeadlines - NEW updated!Registration: 15 June 2006 at 14.15. Abstracts of contributed papers via mail only to:
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31 May 2006 - NEW!
- Notification of acceptance of contributed papers via mail only: 03 June 2006 - NEW!
Call for contributed papers: 31 December 2006.Additional events on history and didactics of Physics - Some expositions on the history of Science and concerning didactics of physics are worth to visit, such as ones organized in a specialarea at Faculty of Architecture,"Valle Giulia", University of Rome - La Sapienza
- Science Show:didactics of Physics by means of instruments of laboratory.Edited by Prof. Lino De Santis and Bruno Marconi, Associazione per l'insegnamento della fisica, AIF sez. dell'Aquila.The works foresee interactive activity opened to students and professors by discussing around natural
- Science Show:The shade of the flame and other experiments extracted from "TheChemical history of a candle" by Faraday. Edited by Prof. Pietro Cerreta, Associazione culturale Scienza Viva
- Photographic show:the most spectacular results of the research in Astrophysics gotten in the last 15 years from the European (and not) institutions of research. Edited by Prof. Gian Nicola Cabizza, Società Astronomica Turritanadi Sassari.
Congress Dinner:
"Efeso il Barrocciaio", via dei Salentini 12,RomePlaced among the district of St. Lorenzo and the University zone. From the central zone taking n. 71 and going down to the beginning or Via Tiburtina, or n. 492 going down to Piazza dei Siculi. Both the stops are few footstepsProceedings The written memories will be introduced after the carrying out of the congress within December 2006. The acceptance of memories and their publication will be subjected to scientific committee decision. Further information to follow.Grants for Students Further information to follow.The Congress feeThe Congress fee SISFA 2006 is free. The congress office also encourage to provide to pay a membership SISFA 2006 fee as 25,00 Euros to: Società degli Storici della Fisica e dell'Astronomia Bank name: Bancaintesa Bank account numbers: 48329/1 ABI 6070 CAB 1600 Address:Via Monte di Pietà, 8 Postal code and city:20121 Milano It is also possibile to pay during the Congress SISFA 2006 at Rome. Patronage: ITACA, Dipartimento “Industrial design, tecnologia nell’architettura, cultura dell’ambiente Faculty of Architecture, "Valle Giulia", University of Rome "La Sapienza". Via Flamina , 70 00196 Rome Tel. + 39 06 49919082 Fax + 39 06 49919028 e-mail:
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Map of Dept. of Physics "E. Fermi", University of Rome La SapienzaThe highlighted buildings. Path and Map
M is the Marconi building F is the Fermi building AM is the Aula Magna Map of Faculty of Architecture "Valle Giulia",University of Rome La Sapienza Path and Map by University of Rome "La Sapienza" Path to go to Faculty of Architecture and Dept. of Physics bymeans of public utilities Hotel reservation and travel information at special price http://www.millenniumevents.it/ Rates are prepared by MillenniumEvents-Appunti di Viaggio s.a.s. Rates at the hotel are per room, per night – breakfast is included. SPECIAL PRICE ARE AVAILABLE FOR 2 NIGHTS MINIMUM STAY In order to obtain a special price, your hotel reservation should be addressed via mail before 08 May and 15 May (please, see the following table) Hotel prices are quoted in EURO. Reservations will be handled on a “first-come, first-served” basis. The Hotel Reservation Office for the SISFA 2006 Congress will try to respect your hotel choices,but if your desirere alternative accommodations at another hotel, please contact the Milllenniumevents agency. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION REQUEST Please, all e-mail correspondence on all travel information and hotel reservation (special prizes for the Congress) should be addressed to: MillenniumEvents-Appunti di Viaggio s.a.s. Technical Manager: Dr. Cesare Altobelli Mobile Tel. 393 9524791 Tel. + 39 0773 661540 Fax + 39 0773 473329 E-mail:
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Payment before Friday of 30 June 2006 by means of Bank Transfer to: AGENCY: Appunti di Viaggio S.a.s. BANK: Banca Popolare di Latina - Ag. 1 BANK ACCOUNT AND CODE: C/C 520764/90 ABI 05104 CAB 14701 ADDRESS: Viale dello statuto, 04100 Latina Map of Rome City of Rome Discovering Rome Services, shows and tourism in Rome Archive of the SISFA 2006 Proceedings and posters |