Ontogney and Human life |
The STOQ’07 Conference will be focused on the topic of the ontogeny and development of human life.November 15-17, 2007Doyen of School of Philosophy and Director of Master Science and Faith Prof. P. Rafael Pascual, L.C. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Info STO'Q07: Guido Traversa tel 06 66527872 - This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Luigi Sammarco tel 06 66527854 - This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum The STOQ’07 Conference will be focused on the topic of the ontogeny and development of human life.November 15-17, 2007It is well known that in the last decades this topic, and in particular the question of the identity and status of the human embryo, has stirred hot and endless bioethical debates, with notable repercussions on the social and political life of many countries. Obviously, such an item must be tackled from various and variously intermingling viewpoints, from biology to law, or from medicine to anthropology, dealing with questions like: is human ontogenesis a continuous process, or is it marked by biological and ontological discontinuities? If so, when and where to place such discontinuities, and what ethical and juridical conclusions to draw? Is there a clear cut between embryos and pseudo-embryos, or there is a continuum between perfect normality and total abnormality? How to deal with situations challenging the concepts of individual and organism, as with conjoined twins or developmental chimaeras? In a more general framework, the concept of ontogenesis also reminds us of a bio-philosophical theme that seems today largely underestimated, that is biological genesis, from epigenesis to the origin of life, or from genetics to phylogeny. Thus, the next STOQ Conference will provide a unique opportunity to rigorously deal with, and serenely discuss, the numerous aspects of human development and ontogenesis, in the context of a high-level academic board and in the beautiful setting of the town of Rome. The Conference will be accordingly divided in four Sections: Concluding each day of the Conference, Panel Sessions will give all the participants an opportunity to intervene in open debate on these topics. English and Italian are the official languages of the Conference, with simultaneous translation in both languages. Presentation and Program (English) Presentazione e programma (italiano) E´ possibile scaricare il modulo di adesione al congresso. Comunicato stampa (Italiano, Español) ´Sala stampa´ (links) Direttore Master in Scienza e Fede Prof. Rafael Pascual, L.C. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Luigi Sammarco