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La Science et l’Hypothèse di Jules-Henri Poincaré. Note epistemologiche. Print E-mail

 La Science et l’Hypothèse di Jules-Henri Poincaré.
Note epistemologiche.

English Language

Raffaele PISANO
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University of Rome, "La Sapienza"
In this brief work I shall examine some Jules–Henri Poincaré’s conferences reassumed in 1902, in his famous essay, La Science et l’Hypothèse
(La Science).


  In this brief work I examine some Jules–Henri Poincaré’s conferences reassumed in 1902, in his famous essay, La Science et l’Hypothèse (La Science). First of all, I do an historical excursus of science in the early years of past century, on which I will produce some epistemological considerations when it concern Poincareian concepts of “relationship” in geometry, of “physical law”, of “physical hypothesis” and of “physical principle” in mechanics and in thermodynamics theories (chapters III to XIV in La Science).  I will also set reflections regarding what kind of logical foundation one can found out in his geometry and in his mechanics. Since a large scientific bibliography is already written, in this article, I do not pretend to produce a new result, on the contrary, I try to set some reflections on Poincaré’s foundations physical-mathematics theory. Of course, the content of this writing will be potentially factious, since it can not be the unique possible.


Pisano R. 2006. “La Science et la Hypothèse di J-H. Poincaré. Note epistemologiche”, in Epistemologia e didattica,  1, 279-300
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