History of Chemistry based on two sentences a là Koyré |
History of Chemistry based on two sentences a là Koyré. Introduction and setting of an epistemological problem. Group of History of the Physics, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Naples" Federico II"Two fundamental aspects characterize the history of the classical Chemistry. The first one concerns the intellectual contrast operated by Lavoisier during the dominant way of building a scientific theory that was typically belonged to Newton's theory.
Alexandre Koyré brilliantly summed up the birth of the modern science trough two historical categories: “destruction of the cosmos” and “geometrization of space”. The aim of this research (still in progress) is inquiring to what extent the revolutionary birth of Chemistry between the 18th and 19th century, along with Arnold Thackray’s excellent criticism to Newtonianism, can be explained trough particular historical and interpreting categories. Those are based upon alternative choices to the ones suggested by Alexandre Koyré in order to clear up the birth of the modern science; thus it is to be grasped how they can express a history of chemistry à la Koyré in a general sense. Considering the specific aim of the present study and for shortness as well I shall avoid to argue about the history of chemistry in general as well as about other important authors; however any reference will be reported in footsteps. My investigation has been developed through two categories of historical interpretation: the order of ideas as an element of understanding the evolution of scientific thought on one hand; and on the other, the use of logic as an element of scanning and control of the organization of the theory. This kind of examination of a theory through the use of categories is valid since the historical exploration of the foundations will not be analyzed using the traditional approach. Obviously, the content of this work could appear potentially factious, since it cannot be assumed to be the only possible perspective. Keywords: paradigm, Chemistry-Physics relationship, historiographical categories, infinite in Mathematics, Logics Info:
Pisano R. 2007. A history of chemistry a là koyré? Introduction and setting of an epistemological problem”, Khimiya, in press |