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Award and Prize organized by ESHS

 The Gustav Neuenschwander Prize of the European Society for the History of Science

The Gustav Neuenschwander Prize is the principal prize of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS) awarded for outstanding life-long achievements and major contributions to the discipline of the history of science.  It was created by Professor Erwin Neuenschwander in 2011 in memory of his father Gustav Neuenschwander.

The Prize, which currently amounts to 10,000 (ten thousand) Euros is presented biennially at the ESHS Conference during the General Assembly. It consists of a financial reward, a diploma, and the right to deliver a plenary lecture at the Conference. Any member of the ESHS is entitled to nominate a candidate.

  • The Gustav Neuenschwander Prize will be awarded for the first time at the 5th International ESHS Conference Athens in 2012.
  • Nominations should be submitted, in accordance with the procedures outlined in the statutes, by 1 February 2012. They should be sent in writing to the secretary of the ESHS, Professor Maria-Rosa Massa-Esteve, either by regular mail or e-mail.

Contact:  Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada I


Avda. Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain


  • The nominations must be accompanied by a detailed report on the candidate's work, a short CV of the candidate and a list of the main publications relevant to the nomination.

Regulations of the Neuenschwander Prize: Download ESHS Neuenschwander Prize [up date 05-02-2011]

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