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4th ESHS CONFERENCE 2010 Print E-mail

 4th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS)

The Circulation of Science and Technology

   4I-ESHS Barcelona    4th ESHS Congress

Barcelona,  November 18-20, 2010

Hosted by Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC)

Conference Secretariat
Carme 47, Barcelona E-08001
Fax: +34 932 701 180
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Details about registration, submission of papers, conference fee etc.: 

website: http://taller.iec.cat/4iceshs/entrada.asp?epigraf_contingut=1 

(All the contents and images belong to the officially website:  http://taller.iec.cat/4iceshs/entrada.asp?epigraf_contingut=1  on 2/11/09)

Historiography has recently acknowledged that circulation of ideas and techniques plays a central role in the understanding of their evolution. Given that science and technology are international achievements, their circulation could be the most distinctive element in their construction. Circulation is not a simple change of geographical place; it carries with it epistemological and philosophical changes as a result of the crossing of cultural and political boundaries. The networks of circulation cover a wide range of local settings, actors, institutions, and interests, both in the production of new science and technology and in the reception and appropriation of known science and technology.

The conference should stimulate studies and debates about the circulation of science and technology: first, the circulation of ideas, theories, methods and practices; second, the circulation of objects, instruments, machines, artefacts, seeds, plants, minerals, drawings, illustrations, inscriptions, paintings…; third, the circulation of texts: manuscripts, printed books, textbooks, journals, letters, book notes; fourth, the circulation of scientists and technicians around the world in “grand tours”, trips for leisure, lecturing, business and industrial espionage; and fifth, the circulation of information about institutional organization, transmission of knowledge, the influence of local contexts, etc.


Purpose of the Society 

The purpose of the European Society for the History of Science is to promote European cooperation in the field of the History of Science understood in the broadest sense. In particular, the society shall, in the European context, aim at:

  • Providing a high-level interdisciplinary European forum for research in the History of Science;
  • Promoting cooperation between its members;
  • Promoting the preservation of and access to scientific heritage;
  • Promoting, assisting, and advising on the teaching of the History of Science;
  • Advancing the education of the general public in the historical, cultural, and social aspects of science.

 Steering Commitee


  • President: Prof. Helge Kragh (University of Aarhus)
  • Vice President: Prof. Eberhard Knobloch (Technische Universität, Berlin)
  • President Elect: Prof. Sona Strbanova (Institute for Contemporary History, Prag)
  • Treasurer: Prof. Erwin Neuenschwander (University of Zürich)
  • Secretary: Dr. Leonardo Gariboldi (Università degli Studi di Milano)
  • Newsletter Editor: Dr. Simon Werrett (University of Washington)
  • Webmaster: Dr. Olivier Bruneau (Université de Nantes)
  • Public Relations Officer: Dr. Raffaele Pisano (Unibersité de Nantes)
  • Representative of the body hosting the seat: Prof. Danielle Jacquart (EPHE, Paris)

Scientific Board

  • Prof. Suzanne Débarbat (Observatoire de Paris)
  • Prof. Robert Fox (Museum of the History of Science, Oxford)
  • Prof. Hermann Hunger (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)
  • Prof. Michal Kokowski (Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow)
  • Prof. Ladislav Kvasz (Comenius University, Bratislava)
  • Prof. Henrique Leitao (University of Lisbon)
  • Prof. Antoni Roca-Rosell (Universitat Polytecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona)
  • Prof. Eva Vamos (Hungarian Museum for Science and Technology, Budapest)

And the Officers

Previous Conferences

The 1st International Conference of the ESHS: “Science in Europe-Europe in Science: 1500-2000”, was held in Maastrich (Holand) from 4th to 6th November 2004 with the aim of exploring the European perspectives in history and historiography of Science.

The 2nd International Conference of the ESHS: “The Global and the Local: the History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe”, was held in Krakow  (Poland) from 6th al 9th September 2006 with the aim of creating a suitable scenery  for a creative dialogue and interchanging experiences between representatives of different countries of the European Union.

The 3rd International Conference of the ESHS: “Styles of Thinking in Science and Technology”, was held in Vienna from 10th to 12th de September 2008 in Vienna (Austria), with the aim of reflecting upon the incidence of philosophical, cultural, religious, politic and economic influences on different modalities of  scientific and technological thought and their development. The Congress considered also the transmission of influences and the intercultural relations and their reformulations in the course of events.

Last Updated ( Saturday, 07 November 2009 )
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