NANCY, JULY 19-26, 2011 official website: http://www.clmps2011.org E-mail:
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from official website 21/07/09
general public events The organization of such an important congress as the 14th CLMPS is an occasion to fill the gap between the academic world and the general public. By organizing conferences, exhibitions and other events throughout 2011, it is our wish that people in Nancy come to be interested in our domains of research. At the same time as the Congress, we will organize several talks and debates for the general public, on topics related to general problems of science, technology and society, for which we plan to invite world wide known specialists. We hope that such debates will show that the academic world is ready to participate in discussions which may concern every citizen. Of course, this will only be a success if the academic world and the general public enter into dialogue. Possible topics for those debates may include: -
Bioethics -
Mathematics and finance -
New technologies of information -
Environmental issues, lasting development and climatic change -
Science and history of science in Nancy and Lorraine -
Science and political discussion
A special scientific committee will be created by the end of 2009, in order to select a final list of topics and to propose speakers. In order to facilitate interaction between the Congress participants and a wider audience, the general public events will not take place during the Congress sessions, but rather at the end of the afternoon or early on in the evening. local organizing committee
general programme committee
executive committee Assessors |